Confirmed speakers
Look forward to exciting insights, best practices and inspiration

Dr. Anna Christmann
Commissioner for Digital Economy & Start-Ups

Carlos Álvarez Pereira
Secretary General, The Club of Rome

Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert
Head of the Energy, Transport and Environment Department, German Institute of Economics

Dr. Katharina Reuter
CEO, German Sustainable Economy Association

Kaweh Mansoori
Hessian Minister for Economics, Energy, Transport, Housing and Rural Areas

Marc Buckley
Ecological Economist & Regenerative Futurist

Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif
Climate Researcher & Oceanographer

Silke Stremlau
Chairwoman of the Federal Government’s Sustainable Finance Advisory Board
All year

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We want to discuss the issues that move us and solutions that help us do business within planetary boundaries. That’s why we created the IMPACT TALK as a podcast series. Together with our guests, we explore and analyse topics around sustainable transformation, economic change and GreenTech innovations.

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Diese Speaker:innen sind bereits bestätigt
Freue dich auf spannende Einblicke, Best Practices und Inspiration

Dr. Anna Christmann
Commissioner for Digital Economy & Start-Ups

Carlos Álvarez Pereira
Secretary General, The Club of Rome

Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert
Head of the Energy, Transport and Environment Department, German Institute of Economics

Dr. Katharina Reuter
CEO, German Sustainable Economy Association

Kaweh Mansoori
Hessian Minister for Economics, Energy, Transport, Housing and Rural Areas

Marc Buckley
Ecological Economist & Regenerative Futurist

Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif
Climate Researcher & Oceanographer

Silke Stremlau
Chairwoman of the Federal Government’s Sustainable Finance Advisory Board