Tired of gloomy news on climate change?
Looking for a trustworthy and informative source on sustainable innovation that provides crucial insights into professionals’ daily work fighting climate change and striving for a better future?
Then IMPACT TALK is the perfect place for you. Keep up with the latest trends and discover inspiring examples of positive initiatives and improvement ideas. Don’t let the overwhelming deluge of bad news about climate change and social issues get you down – join the IMPACT TALK community for reliable, motivational content.
Unlock the secrets of sustainable innovation
Gain Expert Insights and Actionable Input
Whether founders of a start-up, researchers, experts or CEOs, you will meet the movers and shakers of the transformation, gather inspiration and certainly develop a lot of new questions.
Tune in now for the latest episode
Der IMPACT TALK ist die Podcast-Reihe zum Impact Festival. Hier dreht sich alles um nachhaltige Technologien, Innovationen und die Transformation in Unternehmen. Was bedeutet nachhaltig eigentlich? Welche Innovationen, Technologien und Services ermöglichen Unternehmen nachhaltiger zu werden? Was hemmt und was fördert unsere Transformation? Wie können wir dazu beitragen? Diese und weitere Fragen diskutieren und hinterfragen wir mit Gründer:innen, Expert:innen und Visionär:innen in unserer wöchentlichen Podcast-Serie IMPACT TALK. Weitere Infos findet Ihr unter: https://impact-festival.earth/
Was steckt hinter der Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)? Dem Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)? Und der EU-Verordnung zur Bekämpfung der Entwaldung (EUDR)?
Heute tauchen wir gemeinsam mit Klaus Wiesen – Head of Sustainable Supply Chain bei verso, tief in die Lieferkette von Unternehmen ein.
Ihr wollt beim IMPACT FESTIVAL im Oktober dabei sein? Mit dem Code: impacttalk15 gibt es einen 15Â % Rabatt auf alle Ticketkategorien!
We want to shine a spotlight on best practices
We want to share our curiosity for solutions that help us stay within planetary boundaries with you year-round. That is why we’ve created the IMPACT TALK as a podcast series for IMPACT FESTIVAL. It will allow you to learn more about new trends focusing on IMPACT FESTIVAL’s six innovation areas and deepen and analyze the following topics within each episode with us.
Mobility, Cities & Logistics
Get ready to dive into the future of transportation, as we explore the intersection of mobility, cities, and logistics. Join us as we discuss the exciting potential of electromobility, AI, and data management to create sustainable and efficient transportation solutions for the future.
Finance, Risk and Regulation
Join us for a deep dive into the intersection of sustainability and finance, risk, and regulation. To promote sustainable investments, we explore essential topics such as green banking, impact investing, and taxonomies. We also shed light on crowd investing, CSR reporting, and impact business design, highlighting their crucial role in sustainable business models.
Agriculture, Biodiversity & Food
Are you curious about the role of agriculture in ensuring food security and biodiversity preservation for our planet? Explore the sustainable methods of regenerative agriculture and tree plantation, offering solutions to the challenges of conventional agriculture and promoting a more sustainable future.
Circular Economy & Resources
Are you interested in rethinking our approach to resource management? Discover the circular economy and its focus on waste management, recycling, and a regenerative economy. Learn about waste collection, digitalization of the construction industry, and emerging innovations driving the shiftowardds a more sustainable and regenerative future.
Energy, Pollution & Water
Are you concerned about the impact of energy generation on our environment and natural resources? Discover the innovative solutions of clean energy and energy-as-a-service, their ability to promote environmental sustainability, and the conservation of water resources while reducing pollution.
Services, People & Organization
Discover the latest innovations in AI-powered health solutions and how development projects are bringing essential services to communities in low-income countries. Explore how AI transforms the services industry, benefiting people and organizations worldwide.
Meet your host: the faces behind the microphone
Mara Steinbrenner is the Project Lead of the IMPACT FESTIVAL and has been on board since the first Festival in 2021. She has a background in economics, innovation and sustainable development and studied in Sweden, Switzerland, Finland & Germany. Before joining the Festival Team, she has worked in a tech start-up and loves the fast-paced environment of the start-up world.
Responsible ownership: How Sonett is taking action
Discover why Sonett has been taking responsibility for water sustainability since 1977.
Sustainable mobile communications & common good economy
Join Alma Spribille, CEO of WEtell, on IMPACT TALK's 3rd season to learn about sustainable mobile communications & the effects of climate ...
Venture capital with impact: Investing for the future
Discover how venture capitalists can make a difference by investing responsibly to support our future. Learn about ESG and CSR from Isabelle ...
Different from the start: Regeneration & Sustainability
How Wildling Shoes' founder Anna Yona leads the way in sustainable business practices.
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Looking to have a greater impact on the world?
Take the lead in sustainability by becoming a part of IMPACT FESTIVAL!
If you are looking for an opportunity to invest in GreenTech start-ups, drive the sustainable transformation of your company or stay informed of the latest trends and developments, join us now.   Together we can have an impact – time is running out!
Mara Steinbrenner